14 Clear Signs He’s Sexually Attracted to You: Interpreting His Behavior

14 Clear Signs He’s Sexually Attracted to You: Interpreting His Behavior

Has he been giving you the dirty looks lately that suggest you are more than friends? How can you be sure he wants you badly sexually? Well, it is not a guessing game with men. There are clear tell signs when they are drooling over your body. Curious to know if he is being friendly…

5 Strong Signs He Has Multiple Partners & What To Do About It?

5 Strong Signs He Has Multiple Partners & What To Do About It?

As much as most people might not want to admit it, affairs and cheating happen. Sometimes you might wonder if you are the only woman in your boyfriend’s or husband’s life. While some relationships thrive on multiple partners, it should be a consensual decision that both parties in the relationship agree with. Whenever it becomes…

6 Best Indian Dating Sites & Apps To Find Your Dream Partner

6 Best Indian Dating Sites & Apps To Find Your Dream Partner

With 1.38 billion people, Indians are scattered across the globe. International Indians often prefer to date fellow Indians. Although finding an Indian may be easy, finding someone you are compatible with is different. There are dating sites suitable for Indian dating. All the features are incorporated for you to locate the dream partner you are destined…