tinder opener

20 Best Tinder Openers You Can Try To Get Replies

by John Santana

Admittedly, online dating has made love life easier for everyone. You can connect with thousands of people halfway across the country and ignite a connection you didn’t anticipate before.

With a powerful online dating app like Tinder, meeting people is a piece of cake, or so it seems. Registering an account online does not automatically get dates flooding down the hallway. Without some skills and practice, you will still be left with a box of unused condoms in the drawer.

Tinder creates a fast-paced environment where you will get one chance to shoot at the profile you like. It is a hit-or-miss situation. If your Tinder openers aren’t appealing enough, you will be unmatched instantly.

This competitive atmosphere is the reason you should have a bunch of quality Tinder openers up your sleeves. They guarantee your success and introduce a smoother flow of conversation.

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20 Best Tinder Openers (2023 Update)

1. Send a song of the day

Music connects people in unimaginable ways. It is said that if your music taste matches with someone, there is a high possibility that you will get along well. Whether you are a Spotify user or an Apple music supporter, send over a song and have your match play it.

Tell them it’s been a song that you’ve been listening to today and ask them what they think about it. Everyone has something to say about music so it is a wonderful conversation opener.

2. “You’re the first person with (blank) in your profile!”

Find something unique in their profile that you have never seen before and make a comment on it. For example, if their profile shows their trip to Antarctica or they were once selected to be on the national team for sports, that is quite impressive.

Ask them about the photos. People choose those photos for a reason. They want to express themselves and get noticed. It flows right into their beat if you show an interest in their photos.

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3. “Wow! I can’t believe you have done (blank) as well! It was an absolute joy when I did it back in (date).”

Having common ground is always a great option. That way, you can both resonate and understand each other’s joy and excitement over something. Your common connection doesn’t have to be groundbreaking. It can be as simple as something like owning the same breed of dog, hiking the same trail in the national park, or being a fan of the same band.

These interests will lead to more topics and are the quickest way to establish a bonding with someone. Humans are herd animals. People are drawn to those sharing the same habits and interests. Ask them if they have done it just once or several times, how the experience was, and what they would recommend next.

4. “Let’s play one round of Truth or Dare to get to know each other!”

This is a rather unconventional way to initiate the chat, but it works. People are excited to finally see a different Tinder opener. Besides, you will see a lot about someone with just a game of Truth or Dare.

Most people will choose “truth” because it is the easier way around it. You are still strangers to each other and they certainly don’t want to do any outlandish “dare” as they don’t know what you are capable of.

If they choose “dare,” well, then they are definitely a daring person. They are likely to be more wild and open-minded to various adventurous and crazy ideas.

5. “What do you like about my profile?”

Instead of showering them with compliments, it’s time that they tell you why they swiped on you in the first place. What is so attractive about your profile that they had to give it a like?

Having someone to compliment on your profile consolidates their thoughts that you are a nice person that they may want to date. Let them say out loud what they find the most attractive about you. Don’t be shy. But return the favor by complimenting and telling them why you wanted to match with them.

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6. “Hey! Texting is not going to help me get to know you because you seem to have so many awesome qualities! Want to hop on a call instead?”

Members have shared their success stories by jumping on a call when they first matched with someone. It works because, during a call, you reveal more to each other. Also, for all you know, your match is probably texting a dozen other people at the same time. Having an audio call will surely make you stand out.

The call doesn’t have to be 3-hour long. It can be a chill 15-minute call where you talk about yourself, why you are on Tinder, what is your favorite snack, etc. Keep it casual and simple. As opposed to texting, people are less reluctant to delve into deep talks through a phone call with someone they just met. Therefore, try to avoid any personal questions that will make your date feel uncomfortable.

7. “What would it take for you to get off Tinder?”

Possibly the best Tinder opener ever. The ultimate goal for every user on Tinder is to get off it. But, what does it take? Is it when you are clicking with one of the matches? Or when you have been dating for a while? Or when you have found someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with?

This question will generate an interest in most members because everyone is on Tinder so they can eventually delete the app. Understanding what is on your match’s mind allows you to come up with this elaborate plan to eventually get them to delete Tinder with a huge smile on their face.

8. “How you doin’?”

You’d be surprised how many times a classic FRIENDS reference is the lighter of a well-lit conversation. For the younger generation, FRIENDS is a legend that they grew up with. And for the more mature audience, FRIENDS represented every dream and fantasy they had about living with their best friends when they were working hard and fighting for their goals in their 20s.

It is hard to find someone who doesn’t like FRIENDS. Chitchat about how this show changed the view and sense of humor for Americans across the country is a nostalgic conversation to have.

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9. “You look perfect in a beanie.”

Make a comment about their fashion style if they look fashionable. Check their photos to see if they are wearing different clothes in every photo. It is always a nice comment to make. Your match will appreciate a small compliment like that.

Keep it real and genuine. Find something you like and let them know you adore their fashion sense. There is no need to sugarcoat it or force yourself to find things that you like. You can always start the conversation somewhere else and compliment them on other things that you discover.

10. “I see that you have visited (country). I have always wanted to visit. Tell me about it!”

In case you haven’t noticed, people enjoy talking about traveling a lot. Whether they are a frequent traveler or just like to read about it, everyone seems to have endless ideas about this topic.

If you don’t want to seem abrupt, start this topic with something you know they have done. If there is a photo of them in Australia, ask them how the kangaroos are. Tell them that you would love to do a road trip there also and want to know about renting a car and the best place to camp.

Travelers get the butterflies and chills when they share their stories. There are sparkles in their eyes. Naturally, they will like whoever asks them questions because they like to be heard.

11. “Want to get my hoodie?”

It is a widely known fact that girls love taking their boyfriend’s hoodie. Smoothing that as a Tinder opener will likely get you a few laughs and the conversation going. In this joke, you are signaling the fact that you are open to serious dating, which can be a catch point for many out there.

It is time to get your XL hoodie out of the closet because girls love an oversized hoodie that will keep them warm and comfy.

12. “I can’t remember who you remind me of. Oh, wait! I know! You look exactly like the girl I dream about every night!”

No one can resist sweet talk like this. It sends the butterflies straight to their stomach. It will put a huge smile on their face. On top of that, it gets the conversation moving along. You can talk more about how great they are how much they are the one you have been dreaming of. It is good to know how your goddess is in real life.

If you think this is too cheesy, know this, cheesy lines work. In fact, most of the time, the traditional cheesy lines give you a chance to make a conversation because they are so cute and light-hearted that everyone knows about them and loves to hear people still use them.

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13. “What kind of a dinosaur would you be?”

Hypothetical questions are great because there is no right or wrong answer. Let their imagination fly, perhaps like a pterodactyl (a type of dinosaur with wings). There is nothing much to dissect about their answers. But it is a wonderful conversation opener because it is not something as boring as “what do you do for work?” which your date has probably heard over a hundred times on the app.

14. “What is a good Tinder opener?”

Let’s throw the ball back to their court. It’s time that the other person comes up with something. You shouldn’t have the sole burden and stress of coming up with the perfect conversation opener. Have them think about what they would like to talk about so now they will have to make a chat with you.

Besides, if their answer is good enough, you can bookmark it and use it on the next person if things don’t work out with this one. Resources are always good.

15. “Are you a country road? ‘Cause I’d like you to take me home!”

There is nothing that beats a corny yet adorable joke like this one. The joke hints at what you are going for, but in a light way, no one would feel rushed. Although there are loads of members looking for hookups on Tinder, most members don’t like aggressive people that throw an inappropriate joke right off the bat.

Incorporating a cute joke in the way you ask out someone is heartwarming and will get you a lot of likes. Even if you get a no at the end, you will at least have had a lovely conversation with the person.

16. “Let’s play a game and if I win, we go on a date!”

Play a game of Wordle and see who cracks it first. Or select a game of your choice. Anything will work as long as it is a popular game that people know the rules of. It keeps things fun and you can talk about how to hack a game.

You will hear this a lot, playing a game is the best way to get to know someone. People can have an entirely different face when they play games. It is probably a good idea to see if they are obnoxiously competitive. If you see a red flag in the competition, well, lucky for you, you can run before you fall in too deep.

17. “If only I had known I didn’t need to be a prince to meet a princess like you.”

Romance is not dead. Make your date feel like a royal. As cliche as it is, people can’t resist a charming line about falling in love with a prince. Everyone still has that fairy tale inside their heart that they believe in. Who doesn’t want to be a princess and be with their prince?

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18. “What would you do if you had a one-week holiday from work?”

Do you wonder if they are an active person that will plan everything ahead or a chill person that just wants to stay home for the week? This says a lot about your compatibility. If you are an active person, you probably click along better with another active person.

How you spend your downtown is crucial in sustaining a relationship. If you can’t even agree on what to do on your date, this will not go anywhere.

19. “I was regretting about getting Tinder. Then, I saw your profile.”

If that ain’t the sweetest thing, then nothing is. Tinder can be increasingly frustrating sometimes. Every long-term user knows it. You spend night after night swiping left and right just to find out you don’t really like anyone on it.

Most likely, your match will feel the same. Most people don’t even check their Tinder frequently. It is just an app that they can’t be bothered to delete. Tell your match about how you were about to give up before you stumbled onto their profile. It is nice to know that you are the reason someone still has hope about dating.

20. “Your profile must be fake because you are too perfect to be true.”

Indeed, boosting someone’s self-esteem is the smartest way to get them to like you. Using this as a Tinder opener doesn’t mean you should be challenging the authenticity of their profile. You need to list out things on their profile that you like.

Maybe you like that they write a lot in the description. It shows dedication and heart. Or maybe you like that they are always smiling in their photos. It makes you feel they are friendly and warm. Don’t hold back on your positive thoughts. Let your date know how much you like what you see and that you want to get to know them in person.

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What are some other excellent online dating platforms out there?

Tinder is great. But it’s not the only existing online dating platform. Truth be told, everyone should sign up for more than one online dating site to increase their chances. Besides, you never know which platform is the one that does magic for you.

Adult FriendFinder

adult friend finder logo

Tinder is a superb choice, and there are not many other online dating platforms that can live up to its expectations. But Adult FriendFinder is one of them. Having been around for over two decades, this adult dating site is dedicated to building a strong community where members can find hookups or love.

On Adult FriendFinder, you are not only making a connection with an individual, you are becoming part of a big family. The site has regular virtual events, live streams, blog posts, forums, and more. These features allow you to interact with members in numerous ways. Your chance to meet someone is no longer limited by the matches you get. You can strike up a conversation with someone in the live stream and build a connection there.

The success rate is understandably high on Adult FriendFinder. There are so many ways to bond with someone that you are always able to find someone you are compatible with.

Ashley Madison

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Similar to Adult FriendFinder, Ashley Madison is another online dating app that you will be amazed by. With a sleeky user interface, it offers users a premium experience in dating someone with the best qualities.

Members of Ashley Madison are known to be private. They prefer to keep things low-profile. If you are indecisive about what you are looking for, this place is a good start. Members are also exploring their goals. You will not be judged. They welcome people of all backgrounds and love it when people are honest with themselves and others.


Tinder makes your life easier. But you still need your wit and charms. Dates don’t just fall from the sky. You need these 20 awesome Tinder openers to capture your match’s heart. Don’t forget to throw in a few next time you superlike someone so they know what a fun character you are.

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