The Growing Acceptance of Polyamorous Relationships in Belgium

The Growing Acceptance of Polyamorous Relationships in Belgium

It’s true what they say: it’s a different world we live in now. Many things we’ve done before in the past are now outdated. And what we’re doing in modern times would have been unacceptable decades ago. A perfect example of this would be relationships.  Before, romantic relationships meant an exclusive commitment between two people….

Exploring the Decline of Monogamy in America

Exploring the Decline of Monogamy in America

If, 50 years ago, you told someone you were dating different women, people would have criticized and judged you. Having more than one relationship before was considered taboo, and monogamy was and still is the prevailing type of relationship. But with the rise of modern dating, more people are keen on exploring other options.  In…

Dating Older Women: Helpful Guide for Men

Dating Older Women: Helpful Guide for Men

For a long time, social stigma existed against couples with significant age gaps, particularly when the man is younger. Thankfully, society has progressed, and younger men who prefer and choose to date older women are no longer judged harshly. Contrary to popular belief, couples with large age gaps can develop a strong relationship, with both…

Situationships: What It Is and How to Deal with It
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Situationships: What It Is and How to Deal with It

The dating landscape has changed. The advent of technology – the emergence of dating apps, in particular – combined with hectic lifestyles, are two of the biggest factors that have changed dating in the 21st century. While dating was once clearly defined, today, that no longer seems to be the case.  In recent years, a…