couple kissing

35 Strong Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings for You

by John Santana

Breakups are emotional rollercoasters, that can leave you feeling hurt and rejected. Whether it was your idea to end the relationship or not, dealing with a breakup is the worst. While a breakup may feel like the end of a relationship (and sometimes should be) this is not always the case.

Sometimes it takes people to go their separate ways in order to realize their true feelings. Whether you have recently gone through a breakup or it has been a while.

It is completely normal to wonder if your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you. However, this can be quite frustrating to figure out, especially if your ex-boyfriend shows you mixed signals.

Luckily you won’t have to worry about trying to figure this out on your own. To help you out we have highlighted which signs you can look out for to help your figure this out.

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35 Signs My Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings for Me (2023 Update)

Even though you can never be completely certain if your ex-boyfriend has feelings for you until they admit it themselves. There are a few signs that will help you work out if your ex still has some lingering feelings for you.

However, it is important to keep in mind that if your ex-boyfriend is showing one of these then it means that they have feelings for you. Usually, if your ex-boyfriend shows a few of these signs then it probably means he is still interested in you. The signs that you should keep an eye out for include:

  1. He is constantly checking up on you

One of the most obvious signs that your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you, is if he constantly seems to check up on you. While this is a great friendly gesture that can happen between two ex-partners and remain platonic. A few checkups over the months after the break-up can be considered healthy or normal. After all, this person may have been in your life for a while.

However, it is not common for ex-boyfriends to check up on their ex-girlfriends every week and especially more than that. Even if these checkups may seem genuine, and even if you believe your ex-boyfriend has good intentions.

It is still a sign that he has feelings for you. After all, when going through a breakup with someone who either is trying to move on or has negative emotions about you, they would not want to check up on their ex.

If you are in a situation where your ex-boyfriend is constantly checking in on you, this might not be very healthy. Having your ex-boyfriend around will not help you in the process of moving on from your relationship. Also being in constant communication with your ex-boyfriend may have negative repercussions for any future relationships.

2. He wants to know about your dating life

beautiful young couple dating

If your ex-boyfriend seems quite interested in how your love life is. Then you can consider this as another obvious sign that he probably still has feelings for you.

This is interesting if you were dating someone who hated hearing anything about your love life before them. Usually, their excuse for this is that ‘they can’t imagine you being with anyone else but them’. Now all of a sudden, they are the one who wants to know the details about your love life.

Usually, your ex is only interested in your love life because they want to know if you are interested in starting to date again. If you respond by telling your ex that you have not started dating as yet and if want to know why and what is holding you back. This is a sure sign that he is trying to find out if you still have feelings for him.

However, if you admit that you have started dating again and your ex-boyfriend wants to know eve thing about the person you are dating. Usually, boys do this to find out how serious the relationship their ex girlfriends have with their new boyfriend is.

3. He has not been relationship since the break up

Signs your ex boyfriend still has strong feelings for you is if they have never dated anyone since your relationship with them has ended.

However, for this to be considered a sign there has to be enough time that has passed after your break up. this as a sign that your ex may still be interested in you is only if there has been quite a lot of time that has passed since

If you had been in a long lasting relationship with your ex, then it might take them a bit longer to find a new relationship. It may take them a few months or even a year depending on how long the relationship was.

Although, if sufficient time has passed and you have dated but your ex has not been in a new relationship. They are probably still holding onto some feelings for you. Which could be making it a bit harder for them to start a new relationship.

4. He lies about being in a new relationship

A strong sign that your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you is that he does not tell you about his new girlfriend. This is especially odd if you frequently speak to your ex boyfriend but they have never mentioned anything about dating someone new. It is even worse if you have had talks about their love life and they always said that they were single.

While boys may have many excuses for doing this including, their love life is awkward to speak about, and they felt it was awkward to say. On the other hand, one of the worst things that your ex boyfriend could say is that their relationship with their new girlfriend is “just not that serious” (red flag). Then you should consider this as one of the signs your ex still has feelings for you.

Whether you are flattered by this sign or not. It is important to keep in mind that this is disrespectful to both you and his new girlfriend. He directed you by not telling the truth, and he disrespected his new girlfriend by hiding her.

5. He does not follow the no contact rule after the break up

An easy sign to identify if your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you is if he refuses to follow the no contact rule.

Usually, after people break up, there are at least thirty days of no communication between them. This might sound drastic but it can be very healthy if the ex couple wants to remain friends in the future. The time without contact allows the ex couple to recover from the break up.

However, if your ex refuses to follow what is known as the ‘no contact rule’ then you should take this as a sign he may still have feelings for you. Usually, ex boyfriend will have a wide range of excuses why they don’t want to follow the no contact rule. This can even make you believe that they are over you but don’t let this fool you.

6. He is in a relationship but still contacts you

Signs your ex boyfriend might have strong emotions for you is if he continues to contact you while he is in a new relationship. This means that he tries to speak to you quite often and not just check in every few months.

Guys will speak to whoever they want whenever, this includes you even when they are dating someone else. It shows that you are on your ex boyfriend’s mind which is why they feel the need to speak to you, despite them being in a new relationship. Your ex boyfriend doing this can be interpreted as him still having strong feelings for you.

The best thing to do if you are in a situation like this is to either tell your ex that he needs to stop talking to you. If your ex boyfriend continues to speak to you while being a new relationship then you should take the initiative to block them.

Even though this might seem extreme, it will be for the best. Ultimately, if your ex boyfriend is for you or his new girlfriend. He would either not contact you or he would not be in a relationship with someone while still trying to speak to his ex.

7. He is in a rebound relationship

Has your ex boyfriend immediately started dating someone after your break up? Even though it might be hard to believe at first. However, this does not mean that your ex boyfriend has managed to get over the relationship so quickly. It actually means that your ex boyfriend has strong feelings for you and is dating someone new to try to get over you.

Often new relationships that happen very soon after a break up are rebound relationships. If you have never heard of rebound relationships, it is a relationship that begins after one of the parents has just left a relationship. This partner’s intention in the relationship is usually to help them get over their ex.

Rebound relationships are well-known obvious signs that your ex is not over you. Even if your ex does not see their new partner is in fact they rebound, this is usually because they are in denial. Yet, there are some exes who start dating immediately start dating someone new with the intention that it will help them get over their ex.

8. He picks on your new partner

Signs your ex boyfriend is if he picks on your new partner. Whether your ex speaks to you about his thoughts on your new partner. He could also choose to express his comments to a mutual friend who he knows will tell him what he has said. Both show that your ex has some feelings about you and your new relationship status.

If your ex boyfriend starts talking to you simply to tell you about their thoughts on your new partner. This can be a friendly conversation and your ex might just say a few comments that don’t seem harmful. On the other hand, your ex boyfriend might choose to take the unfriendly approach and say rude comments about your new boyfriend.

Whether your ex boyfriend chooses to do either of these, it is a sign that they have feelings for you. After all, your ex has taken some time to actually find out about your new partner and made the effort to tell you about it. Usually, ex partners who have moved on would not make such an effort to do this.

9. He tries to sabotage you

It can be hard to believe that a person who tries to sabotage things for you has feelings for you. Yet, this is usually the case when it comes to boys. Usually, your ex boyfriend will do this to you to get your attention. Even though this is definitely not the best way to get anyone’s attention.

You might be wondering how exactly could your ex boyfriend sabotage you. Well, one of the most common ways an ex does this is by interfering in your new relationship. Your ex boyfriend could try to contact your new boyfriend and say certain things about you in an attempt to ruin your new relationship.

It might be confusing to make sense of but your ex will only make this much of an effort to sabotage something in your life if they have some feelings for you. Nobody would spend time and effort to ruin someone else’s relationship if it does not benefit them in some way.

10. He shows signs of mixed feelings

couple looking at eachother

Have you noticed that your ex is being quite hot and cold towards you? If you are in contact with your ex boyfriend, you might notice that there are some days he is super friendly and you may even joke around him.

Then there are other days where your ex seems really cold and even harsh towards you. This change in behavior seems to happen without any reasons that you are aware of. When your ex boyfriend behaves like this towards you this is proof that they have mixed feelings about your relationship ending.

Another way to look out for that proves your ex boyfriend is giving you mixed signals. Is if they are speaking to you quite regularly but they have not shown any intention of getting back together. This is an obvious sign that your ex boyfriend still has unresolved feelings toward you.

11. He is constantly looking at your social media profiles

Signs your ex boyfriend has feelings for you is if he seems to be giving your social media profiles quite a lot of attention. This might start happening a few days after the break up or even a few months after.

However, if you start to notice that your ex boyfriend is all of sudden reacting to your posts on social media. This can include reflowing on social media again, liking your posts, reposting your content, and more. This shows that they are definitely paying attention to their ex’s life.

This can be an even more obvious sign if your ex boyfriend used to be someone who rarely was active on social media platforms. Yet, they all of a sudden started using it more frequently and communicating with you through it. Usually, exes will do this if they want the attention that will help them get back into your life.

12. He posts sad messages on his social media profiles

Have you noticed a few posts on your ex boyfriends social media profiles that show that he might be in a sad emotional state? Well, there are usually only two reasons your ex would post these emotionally revealing on social media.

The first reason is might be because they are simply trying to express themselves on social media. Which they have discovered is a nice place to post what they feel so they have started using it more.

However, the second reason is a sign that your ex boyfriend might still have feelings for you. This is especially the case if your ex boyfriend follows you on social media and they are aware that you follow them. Chances are they are probably posting these sad messages hoping to show you how they are feeling after the break up. Your ex might even be hoping that you will reach out to them after seeing these posts.

13. He posts more on social media

Signs your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you if you notice an increase in their social media activities. This sign can be even more obvious if your ex boyfriend is choosing to post more on a social media platform that he knows you use often. Especially, if in the past your ex boyfriend has expressed feelings about not enjoying social media but is not constantly using it.

Your ex boyfriend might even be more obvious with this sign that he still has feelings for you by using social media more often. Is if you notice that he tends to post usually after you post something or are noticeably active on social media platforms.

These actions can be interpreted as your ex boyfriend purposefully using a social media platform with the intention that you will see their posts and maybe think about them. Your ex boyfriend might even have the idea that you will contact them after being reminded of them on social media platforms.

14. He sends you random posts on social media

a young guy using his phone

If your ex boyfriend starts sending you random posts on social media, this shows that he is trying to initiate contact. These posts can include funny memes or even videos that may seem random and without any intentions behind them. Yet, there is something that you will notice after reading all of these signs on this list which is ex boyfriends usually always have an intention behind their actions.

The reason why your ex boyfriend is probably sending you social media posts out of the blue is that they are easy conversation starters. After seeing these posts you will probably respond which could spark a conversation.

It is also important to consider the type of posts that your ex is sending you. If they are sending you to mean about topics that interest you. This means that once your ex saw this post they thought of you.

Which usually means that they probably have feelings for you. This is something to keep in mind because if they did not they would not make the effort to actually send the post to you.

15. He tries to make you jealous

If you have been speaking to your ex boyfriend for a while and everything seems to be like you are just friends with him. Then suddenly he tries to mention other girls. While this can be seen as a completely normal thing to do if you both have reached the friend’s stage in your relationship.

On the other hand, if your ex boyfriend who you believed that you were on good terms, continuously tries to mention girls. You can tell your ex boyfriend is trying to make you jealous in a few different ways, that you should keep an eye out for.

One of these ways includes when he starts to randomly speak about girls that he is seeing, without you even asking about his love life. Another way your ex boyfriend will try to make you jealous is by sending you pictures of how these girls look. Even though you did not ask to see a picture of them.

If your ex boyfriend has been doing something like this or has done something similar to this in the past. Then it means that they were trying to make you jealous, and the only reason they have for doing this is because they have feelings for you.

16. He shows signs of jealousy

One of the signs your ex still has feelings for you is if he shows signs of jealousy. One of the ways your ex boyfriend might show that he is jealous is if he makes comments about your new love interest. Another way your ex boyfriend may show that he is jealous of your new love interest is if he gets upset when you speak about other guys or move on.

Even though it is completely normal for your ex boyfriend to not want to speak about any of your new love interests. However, if the both of you are still friends and he often speaks about a possible new love interest. Then he should be okay with you doing the same, so if this bothers him it is probably because he is not over you.

17. He seems to be obsessed with self improvement

Signs your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you is if he has suddenly become completely obsessed with self improvement. Although, this is only the case if your ex boyfriend is showing you signs that he is improving himself to be better for you. There are a lot of people who take time for self improvement, after a break up. This is why it is important to figure out what are the intentions behind your ex’s self improvement journey.

It is quite easy to figure this out, all you have to do is look at what your ex is trying to work on within themselves. If these are things that you asked him to work on or might even be something that led to the breakup. Then the reason your ex is focused on self improvement is probably that he still has feelings for you.

18. He tries to make plans with you

Usually, after a break up a couple might meet just to clear the air between them and end things amicably. Once this is done, the exes will usually not plan to see each other again. Unless there are still feelings between them and they are interested in getting back together.

This is why if your ex boyfriend has tried to make plans with you after the break up and if he continuously tries to do this. Then it is safe to say, that your ex boyfriend probably still has feelings for you. After all, nobody wants to spend time with someone they don’t like.

19. He flirts with you

A great sign to look out for if you want to know if your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you, is if he still flirts with you. You may be wondering how to tell if your ex boyfriend is flirting with you. Well, the easiest way to figure this out is if he says certain this that are meant to make you feel special.

This is especially the case if you either have not spoken to your ex in a while. Then one day he contacts you, starts flirting with you, and acts as if nothing has happened. If this has happened to you, then it probably means your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you.

20. He always makes physical contact when he is with you

couple making love on bed

When you see your ex in person, does he seem purposely make physical contact with you? Well, then this is one of the signs your ex boyfriend is still interested in you. After all, physical contact is of the signs of love and affection.

Whether you unexpectedly run into your ex boyfriend or you are hanging out with your ex as a friend. If you notice that they seem to try to make physical contact quite often while you are spending time together, then they are probably not over you. This can include, quite long hugs, touching your hands, and even a few arms brush.

21. He is still concerned about taking care of you

After people break up they do not always keep in touch with their ex-partners. However, some exes still keep in touch after their break up and even remain friends. Even though this is completely normal but if your ex is still concerned about taking care of you. Then you should consider this as a sign that he still has feelings for you.

It is important to remember that exes can become friends who occasionally speak and check on each other’s well-being. However, if your ex is not only checking on your well being but actually doing things to take care of you. This can include, spending time with you when you are down, or even buying you things to make you feel better. If your ex is doing something similar, then he might still have feelings for you.

22. He always seems to run into quite often

Have you noticed that since your break up, you seem to always run into your ex? Well, this is one of the signs your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you. After people break up is it common that they will eventually run into each other. After all, you might have spent quite a bit of time with this person and shared the same spots.

However, when you find yourself bumping into your ex quite often, this may show that they are still interested in you. Especially if you find that you run into your ex at places he would usually never be at and if he knows that it is a place you like. If this is the case, he might be visiting these places intending to see you.

23. He keeps on telling you that he has changed

Signs your ex boyfriend might be still interested is if he either tells you that he has changed or if he somehow implies that he is different. Usually, after a break up ex couples are either friends or no longer speak to each other.

If you are still friends with your ex and they seem to always say things that would suggest he has changed or directly tells you that he has changed. You should consider this a sign that he might not be over you. This is especially the case if your ex boyfriend implies that he has changed something about him which you would often complain about when the both of you were dating.

24. He wants regular updates about what is going on in your life

Have you noticed that your ex boyfriend is a bit too interested in what is going on in your life? If this is the case, then you should consider that your ex might not be completely over you.

Once you have broken up with someone and you want to get over them or you are already over them. The last thing you want is to have updates about what is happening in their life. After all, this does not help with the moving on the process and it should no longer affect you. This is why if your ex wants to know what is happening in your life, then it is safe to say they still have feelings for you.

25. He is still friends with your friends

One of the signs that your ex boyfriend still has some romantic feelings for you is if they are still friends with your friends. Even though it is completely normal for your ex to be friendly with the people in your life like your best friend. After all, they might have been quite close to these people while you were dating.

However, once the relationship ended, the relationship between people who are your friends should no longer be as close. Unless the both of you belong to the same friend group and have the same mutual friends. On the other hand, if you find that your ex still tries to be friends with the people who are your friends. Then you should consider this as one of the signs that he might still have feelings for you.

26. He is constantly bringing up memories you have shared

While this might seem obvious, it is a sign that cannot be left off this list. If your ex boyfriend brings up the memories that you have shared together while you were in a relationship with them. This means that they still have feelings for you.

Even though it is normal for exes to become friends after a relationship and have regular conversations. It is not normal for an ex to continuously talk about the memories shared while you were dating them. This is a sign that your ex has not moved on and still thinks about the time that you have shared together.

27. He is still angry with you

If your ex boyfriend is still quite angry with you after a few months since the relationship has ended. Then you should definitely consider if this might be because they still have unresolved feelings for you.

However, if this is something that you are experiencing then you should also take into account the reason for the break up. If the reason why your relationship ended was something that made your boyfriend at the time very angry and they still are. Then in this case they might just be angry about the situation and need time to move on from it.

On the other hand, if your ex is still angry at you because of the break up and they don’t have an actual reason to be angry. In this type of situation, they might still have feelings for you, and this is one of the ways that they are expressing it.

28. He refuses to return your stuff and take back his belongings

young boy and a young girl packing stuff

Signs your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you if he simply refuses to return your stuff. Almost everyone who has gone through a break up knows about the awkward moment where you have to get your stuff back and return your ex’s belongings. While this is a very uncomfortable thing to do, it is necessary and helps in the moving on process.

Yet, if your ex refuses to take his things back from you and also refuses to give you, your belongings back. Then he is probably not over the relationship and still has feelings for you. After all, this is a hostile act that shows your ex does not agree with the decision to break up.

29. He says negative things about you to other people

While this seems like the complete opposite sign and could even have you believing untrue thoughts about yourself. Ex boyfriend only tend to resort to this kind of behavior if they feel so strongly about someone.

There are plenty of negative things an ex can say about you, but it will be subjective and be based on your relationship. However, these comments are usually made to people who will your ex boyfriend knows will still contact you because all they are is a reaction.

Yet, because they are not with you they might have the mindset that nobody else should have you. This is extremely unhealthy, and if your ex boyfriend is doing this to you. Then you should definitely keep him as your ex boyfriend.

30. He always brings up the past issues in your relationship

Once a couple has broken up and a few months have passed speaking about what happened in the relationship should be done. It is not normal or healthy for any of the ex partners to keep on discussing the past issues that happened while you were in the relationship.

However, there are times when ex partners will do this. Even months after the relationship has ended. Usually, this means that the ex who continues to bring up the past issues experienced in the relationship has unresolved feelings. This also means that your ex might have feelings for you. After all, nobody will continuously bring up past issues unless they have an intention behind doing this.

31. He acts extremely happy and content

Have you noticed that your ex boyfriend seems to be extremely happy ever since your break up? This usually will leave you feeling sad and you even might start to wonder if your ex ever truly had feelings for you. After all, if they did they would not be so happy and content right after the relationship has ended.

While this is usually true but these are the thoughts that your ex boyfriend might want you to have. This is the reason why your ex boyfriend is putting up this extremely happy and content facade. However, what you should keep in mind if you have noticed this is that your ex would not do this if he did not have feelings for you. Your thoughts about how he is reacting to your breakup would not matter to him if he has truly moved on and had no lingering feelings.

32. He does not want any contact with you at all

While following the no contact rule for at least thirty days after a break up is normal and can be very healthy. However, if your ex emphasizes that he never wants to speak to you again then he is probably still working through some feelings that he has for you.

This is especially something to look out for after you have had a few months apart from each other. Which has given you both time to move on and recover from the relationship. Once this time has passed and your ex still does not want to contact you, then you can consider this as a sign that he might still have feelings for you. However, it is also important to keep in mind the context of the break up and if it was something that you did. If this is the case your ex might still have not forgiven because of this which is why he might not want to talk to you.

33. He comes to you for advice

Have you started to notice that your ex boyfriend has been relying on you when he needs some advice? Well, if this is the case and it has happened a few times then you should consider this as a sign that your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you.

However, your ex boyfriend and you may be now completely platonic because of the long lasting relationship that you both had. So when it comes to figuring out if this is a romantic sign or not. You will have to consider the relationship that you currently have with your ex.

The reason why it is quite a big deal if your ex boyfriend is coming for advice is that someone will only seek advice from another person they trust. As well as, someone whose option they respect and believes understand them.

Nobody would approach someone that they did not like for advice. This means that by coming to your for advice your ex boyfriend is proving to you that he has good feelings towards you and maybe even romantic feelings.

34. He drunk texts or calls you

One of the oldest signs your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you is if they ever drunk text you or even drunk call you. Some people believe that drunk texts or calls are not a real sign of genuine feelings.

Yet, it can’t be ignored that when your ex boyfriend was drunk, after all the people he could have contacted for some reason he chose to talk to you. This is why drunk texts and dial are definitely signs that your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you.

When someone is drunk they usually experience a boost in their confidence. So whether you have not spoken to your ex boyfriend after months, and you believed that the relationship was completely over. You might just be surprised with a drunk text one day.

If this does happen in the future or has already happened, it is a hard sign to ignore. At the end of the day, your ex boyfriend would not drunk text you if you had not been on their mind. Which means usually means they do have some sort of feelings for you.

35. He admits that everything was his fault

It is quite rare when boys admit that they are wrong, while this might not be true for all boys it is true for most. So if your ex boyfriend still has admitted that your relationship ended because of his actions. Then you can take this as a sure sign that your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you.

This is can even be a bigger sign if your ex boyfriend is the type of person who believes that they are right in every situation. As well as, being a person who cannot handle when they are wrong about anything. Your boyfriend admitting that they were responsible for their actions, is a big deal that should be ignored.

However, it is important to make sure this does not cloud your judgment and feelings about them. The last thing you want to do is forgive your ex and they end up doing the same things again. This is why it is important to make sure that your ex is guanine when he takes responsibility for the role he played that led to your relationship ending.

36. He admits that he still has feelings for you

couple enjoying drinks

While this is not a sign but actual proof, it had to be added to this list. The reason for this is because exes can always say they still have feelings for you. However, there are times some people’s ex boyfriends have done this just to see if they could get back together with their ex. Even if their feelings are not genuine, it helps boost their ego knowing that their ex still has feelings for them.

On the other hand, if your ex boyfriend has been showing you a few of the other signs that we have mentioned above and he admits all the feelings he has for you. Then this is definitely an obvious sign that his feelings are genuine and still have strong feelings for you.

Another great way to figure out if your ex boyfriend is being genuine about his feeling for you. Is if he expresses them in a grand way, whether it is a long text message or expressing his strong feelings in person in a romantic gesture. Then you will be able to easily tell how truthful your ex boyfriend is about their feelings about you.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Reaching Out to Your Ex Boyfriend

If you find out that your ex boyfriend does have feelings for you and you feel the same way. This might make you consider giving your relationship a second chance. Before you decide to do this, there are a few important questions that you should ask yourself.

Asking yourself these questions and answering them honestly will help you make sure that you are not making a mistake. Here are five questions that you should ask yourself before you get back to your ex boyfriend:

1. Are you just romanticizing your past relationship?

Whether you were in a long term relationship or you just had a fling with someone. Often when we look back on the memories of our past relationship, we tend to only remember the beautiful memories.

If you have been thinking about your relationship with an ex, and are only remembering the good moments that you have experienced with them, this means that you are romanticizing the relationship. While this is completely normal to do, it can give you a false sense of what to expect if you had to get back together with your ex.

When you get back together with an ex, it is important to remember both the good and the bad times, and only if you can handle that should you start dating your ex boyfriend again. If you can’t handle thinking about the bad moments, this usually means you might have unresolved feelings which may cause problems in the relationship in the future.

2. Do you want to get back together with him because it is familiar?

Often people decide to get back together with their ex’s because they think it is much easier to stick with something that they feel is familiar than try something new. Another reason why people enjoy the familiarity of a relationship with an ex is that they miss what they might feel is comfortable.

However, this is not a good enough reason to get back together with someone. If you simply miss how things used to be when you were in a relationship with someone but they were not treating you the way you deserve. Then it will definitely be a bad idea to get back together with your ex boyfriend.

Even though it will feel a bit scary going back into a new relationship, you should never let this hold you back from meeting new people. On the other hand, it can also be very exciting to get into a new relationship. After all, some time will pass and your new relationship will start to feel familiar and more importantly healthier.

3. Are you doing better without him?

alone blonde hair girl sitting next to window thinking deep

This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself before getting back together with your ex boyfriend. Sometimes it might not feel like you are doing better without your ex because you are still processing the break up. However, just because you are feeling a little heartbroken does not mean that you are better off getting back together with your ex.

If you are starting to feel a little lighter than how you felt while you were in your past relationship. This usually means that you are doing much without your ex boyfriend. If you have noticed that you are occupying your time with different activities that make you much happier. Then it is safe to say that it is probably a better idea not to go back to your past relationship.

However, if your ex boyfriend was someone who encouraged you to better yourself positively and genuinely only wants the best for you. Then this is could be someone who may be good for you.

4. What was the reason for the breakup?

Break ups can be caused by either a variety of reasons that end up building up and leading to the end of the relationship or they are caused by one problem. When you are considering getting back together with your ex boyfriend it is important that you are both clear about what was the cause of the break up.

After you have had a discussion with your ex boyfriend about the reason the relationship ended. You should take some time to think about what was said and then you can decide if both of you can forgive each other. Once these issues have been resolved and there are no lingering feelings about the cause then it might be safe to restart your relationship.

There are times when a few ex partners might not agree about what the cause of their break up was. In these situations, it is not a very good idea to get back together because the partners may have unresolved feelings about what the actual cause was. Which usually ends in an unhealthy relationship because they were unable to fix things.

5. Have you had enough time apart from your ex?

It is quite common for ex partners to get back together immediately after they have broken up. However, this usually ends up being a bad idea that can cause even more damage to the relationship. A good amount of time to have a part before you go back to your ex boyfriend is at least thirty days or more.

Having time apart from your ex boyfriend before getting back together with them, is very important. This time apart will allow both of you to heal and think about the cause of the break up. As well as, give you time to improve on yourself, figure out what you want from a relationship, and time to have a different outlook on the relationship itself.

Once there has been enough time apart and you truly believe that your relationship with your ex boyfriend will be better this time. Then starting to date your ex partner again could even be a good idea. This is because you have both had time to work on yourselves which will improve the relationship that you have together.

Final Thoughts

Even though a break up may feel like the end of a relationship, this is not always the case for everyone. You might start to feel that your ex boyfriend has been acting a bit different which has even made you think that they are may not as over the relationship as you first thought.

Luckily, you now know exactly which signs to look for that will help you figure out if your ex boyfriend still has feelings for you. If your ex boyfriend is showing you a few of these signs then it is safe to say he is probably not over you after all.

However, if this is the case and you are interested in getting back together with your ex boyfriend. Then it is important that you ask yourself the five questions that we have listed above.

These questions will help you decide if getting back together with your ex boyfriend is the best move for you. After all, the most important thing at the end of the day is your happiness.

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John Santana

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