Dating a Jamaican Man in 2025: 7 Things You Must Know
by John Santana
Dating someone from a different country is exotic and fun. There is a new surprise every day. You learn so much about the world. Most importantly, he gives you a new perspective of the relationship you are used to being with your average local man.
Jamaican guys are sexy. They are well-built, humorous, and caring. At first glance, they are the perfect husband material. At the same time, you have heard quite a lot of stereotypes about Jamaican men. You can’t help but wonder what the whole truth is.
Worry no more. Our guide below will navigate you through a relationship with a Jamaican man and where to find the best one in town. You will find everything you need to know!
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Dating a Jamaican Man: Pros
1. He is in good physical shape
Sometimes, you just can’t fight your genes. When you are born with strong physical genes, life is much easier. Jamaican men are known to be masculine and strong. If you go around the country, you will see that half of the men have six-packs.
Sport is a big thing in Jamaica but most importantly, Jamaican men are gifted with good physical genes so they are tall and have broad shoulders. If you are a lady who likes to feel protected by her man, you will love a Jamaican guy.
2. He is a family guy
It’s in the Jamaican culture to put family first, which is super sweet and loving. You will find your man constantly talking about going to his family for the weekend. When he sees you as part of his family, he will introduce you to everyone and include you in any family activity.
You are immediately welcomed into a big group. Jamaicans are heart-warming people and love greeting new guests. You will unlikely have problems with his family. They are generous and kind people.
Jamaican men may not think about settling down and starting a family at a young age, but when they do, they commit for life. No one can convince them otherwise. For them, once they find the one, she is the one forever.
3. He is good in bed
Again, what can you say when someone is gifted by genes?
It’s known around the world that Jamaican men are good in bed. And of course, they are blessed with an impressive penis. They like having full control in bed. Some may find them a bit aggressive, especially if you also like being in control.
But if you enjoy letting the man dominate you, a Jamaican man is a perfect choice. Their raw sexuality shines through. Rough sex is their favorite. They like to take their lady for a ride. At the same time, they are also gentle lovers who respect the wishes of their girls.
4. You will always have good food
Dating a man from a country with diverse food culture is a fantastic choice. Jamaican cuisine is food heaven. Tourists come to this joyous land to have a taste of their delicacies every year. Since in the Jamaican culture, food and family take up a huge part, your man is used to seeing and helping his mama cook.
His childhood of helping around the kitchen has trained him into the perfect home chef. He will prepare surprise dinners for you. A Jamaican man loves being in the kitchen. As his girl, you just sit and wait to be served. There is nothing more romantic than a home meal prepared with love.
Dating a Jamaican Man: Cons
1. He is naturally flirtatious
He can’t help it. The chill island life coupled with the naturally fun-loving characteristics of Jamaicans makes him a smooth talker. Even when he has no intention of anything romantic or sexual, the way he talks to every girl may sound upsetting to you.
Girls love talking to Jamaican guys because they always give out gorgeous compliments with loving gestures. They don’t stop even after they get into a relationship. For them, it’s their natural way of talking to girls. If you are more reserved or not used to this, you may think your boyfriend is being disrespectful to you.
2. He can be a cheater
Indeed, Jamaican men are some of the most loyal family guys on earth, but that’s based on the premise that he already sees you as family. Before marriage, Jamaican men tend to believe they are still browsing around. Nothing is set in stone.
Jamaican men are not shy to go for the girls they like. If you are in a relationship with one, before you get married, he still thinks he can choose a better one without ending things with you. They like keeping all options open.
After marriage, they tend to stay very faithful. But before you take the holy vow, he is going to look around while keeping you close. It can be very hurtful because he is not going to see this as a problem. For him, he feels entitled to choose because a relationship is not tied down by a vow or paper.
3. Oral sex is a one-way street
Jamaican men are dominant in bed. They want to feel manly. Therefore, giving oral sex to women can be a disgrace as they feel it takes away their masculine side. Don’t get it wrong though. They are very willing to receive oral sex from you. They just don’t want to give it.
Their double standards are often the cause of arguments. Most of them still have the traditional belief of typical men stereotypes. They don’t want to do things that would deem girly.
Many Jamaican men think it’s the girl’s job to give men a blow job. If a girl refuses, it will hurt their self-esteem and they will never marry someone who refuses to do oral. It’s not the greatest feeling to be expected to perform oral sex and get nothing in return.
Where to find a Jamaican man?
Well, you can go to Jamaica but who has the time these days? Besides, if you really want to date a Jamaican man but are afraid of the vast cultural differences, dating an international Jamaican man in your country is your best bet.
That way, they are exposed to both their culture and yours. They are more open-minded and understanding towards your environment without losing their core values.
Online dating is the perfect way to meet your dream Jamaican man. There are lots of diverse people looking for some love on the internet.
Adult FriendFinder
To begin with, Adult FriendFinder is the perfect place to kickstart your love hunt. It is a comprehensive dating site with over 90 million users. Its members are diverse and open to anything. All you need is to be honest with yourself about your preferences.
Want a Jamaican man? Write it out on your profile. You will instantly get hooked with the hottest Jamaican guys in your region. You can even post on the community forum about dating a Jamaican guy. Members love helping each other out and will contribute to it. Access here.
Ashley Madison
We love Ashley Madison for finding a date, but especially if you are looking for diverse people that are outside of the typical boxes. Ashley Madison is a super open and diverse platform.
You will find people from all over, and especially sexy Jamaicans. It is a discreet and super secure site with encrypted messages too. Try Ashley Madison, here.
Eharmony is another fantastic place for meeting Jamaican guys. Its signature compatibility test allows you to connect with someone you truly have a connection with.
Upon registration, you need to answer a list of 70 questions. This lengthy questionnaire is how you will get matched with your soulmate.
Members adore eHarmony for its success rate in bringing couples together. User reviews have been highly positive about its features. Besides, since the site caters to serious dating, you will not find horny men disrespectfully asking for nudes as a conversation-opener. It’s a safe and harmonious environment to find love in.
Dating a Jamaican Man: Facts
Jamaican men are subjected to plenty of stereotypes. From being a drug lord to being a mama’s boy, good or bad, you must have heard it all. Dating a Jamaican man is fun because he is often unpredictable.
All of these stereotypes do not reflect the truth but some are true to a certain extent. When you date a Jamaican man, you will find that he changes as fast as the wind. There are so many sides to his personality.
Sometimes, he is the tough boy who seems to be unbreakable. Other times, he is sentimental and would be upset over the death of a puppy for days. You get the best of both worlds.
He can be strong when needed but also comes with a soft heart. He is a great listener. Jamaican men want to make their ladies happy. Whatever you have to say, he is all ears.
Being with a Jamaican man will put you on Cloud 9 as long as you can accept some of his manly qualities.
Final thoughts
Underneath the six-pack, there is a sweet man wanting to love his girl for the rest of his life. A Jamaican man will give you a completely different dating experience in such a positive way.
If you are looking to date one, go on Adult FriendFinder, Ashley Madison and eharmony to find one in your area!
You don’t have to go to Jamaica to find your husband. There are plenty in your country if you know where to look!