How to Turn a Girl On Over Text

How to Turn a Girl on Over Text [Only Guide you’ll ever Need]

Turning a girl on over text is perhaps the sexiest thing to do when she isn’t around. The whining of her body when you type down your fantasies, the feel of her biting her lips, and the pleasure of her pain when she keeps typing your name with dirty emoticons are insatiably sexy. Have you…


24 Reasons Why You Never Had A Girlfriend (And How to get One NOW)

‘Single and ready to mingle’ – If that’s how you define your relationship status for the past gazillion days…weeks…or even years, and you have no idea how to change that, then you have landed at the right place. Even after trying hard, you end up thinking Why can’t I get a Girlfriend? Then let me…


How to Tell If a Girl Likes you over Text? – 20 Obvious Signs

Have you been flirting with a girl for days? Are you confused about whether she likes you over text? If yes, we’ve got you covered! Developing a liking for someone might not be difficult but to make them like you back is a challenge. If you’ve tried your best at impressing them with your flirting…